Monday, March 9, 2009

Lingerie Care

In the last post you learned how to find the right fitting bra. Now learn how to care for your bras to help make them last. 

Let's face it, we don't have time to hand wash every bra we own. The first thing you should do is read the care label. Most items should be suitable for the washing machine. Place these items inside a mesh laundry bag and don't forget to attach the hook and eye bands together first to prevent tangling and snagging. Then wash your items by themselves using the delicate cycle, cool water and a mild detergent. Heat from dryers will help to break down fibers quicker so it's best to hang up your items to dry or lay them flat on top of a towel. 

If you have any items that are hand wash only, fill a clean sink with luke warm water and mild laundry detergent and let your items soak one at a time for 10 - 15 minutes. Then gently rub the fabric together and rinse with cool water until all the detergent is gone. Lay items flat on a towel and place another towel on top to absorb any excess water. Next, place items flat on another dry towel or hang to dry. 

A little bit of extra care will help to make your bras and other delicate lingerie items looking their best. 

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